MMORPG and RPG are two types of games that have been around since the early days of computing. And while their shared characteristic is that they both can be played on a PC easily, just like we would stream a show or have fun with offers like GSB promotion code, they are actually very different. Which makes sense, as they don’t haver to be the same just because they can be played on the same platform. But one of the reasons the games can be confusing is because they share a name. In this post, we’ll explain the difference between so you can decide which one is right for you!
mmorpg is a multiplayer online game while rpg is a role playing game

A mmorpg is a multiplayer online game, which means it’s played over the internet. In contrast, single-player games can be played offline—like when you’re on a long car ride and you don’t have access to data or wifi. A role playing game (rpg) is one where people assume the roles of characters in a simulated world, or setting. You can play an rpg by yourself or with others.
Both types of games are played with other people, but mmos are always multiplayer. In a sense, this makes them more of an experience than an actual game—when you play an rpg solo, it’s like playing a novel in that you control your character’s actions and decisions without having to worry about what other people think or say when they read it out loud.
All mmorpgs are rpg games but not all rpg games are mmorpgs
While a lot of people will say that the difference between the two is that one has multiplayer and one doesn’t, this isn’t exactly true. The main difference between them is how they’re played:
- In an rpg, you play by yourself against some sort of storyline (or even just yourself). Most single player video games are considered to be rpgs.
- In an mmorpg, you play online with a group of other people (either in groups or as part of a guild). Some single player versions may have elements that mimic those found in mmorps; however they don’t qualify as such because they still involve only one person playing at a time.
You can play rpg games by yourself or with others playing on the same computer

MMORPGs are online world games in which thousands of players can interact with each other at the same time. In an MMORPG, you play as a character in an online game that is usually based on a fantasy story (like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter), or sometimes even real life scenarios like World War 2 (for example Battlestar Galactica). You can play rpg games by yourself or with others playing on the same computer. Single player rpgs are like console games but they don’t require internet connection to play them and have more advanced graphics than mmorpgs do because they don’t have as many people playing at once so they don’t need as much processing power from your computer’s hardware components. The game focus is more immersive, while mmos require more teamwork and focus on community.
We hope that this article has helped you understand the difference between mmorpg and rpg games. Good luck with your gaming!