Chances are, if we own a PC, we have played a few games at least once in our life. I mean – we surely played Solitaire, maybe even slot games at wildz casino, or cool, dorky games on Miniclip. However, playing games for fun only differs a lot from playing ranked. What does it mean? Well, if you are a new player, it can be difficult to perform well in ranked games. In this post, I will explain some tips that will help you achieve good results in ranked solo queue games.
Playing time
If you want to perform well in ranked games, you have to increase your practise hours. Practise is the best way to improve your skills, game knowledge and learn new strategies. You can practise on your own or with a team of friends.
To start practising alone, there are plenty of heroes that are easy to play with because they don’t require much skill like (usually supports and healers). There are also carry champions which don’t require a lot of teamwork which makes them perfect if you want to practice alone without needing other people’s help. The main objective of playing these heroes is not winning but just improving yourself as a player by playing in various game scenarios so you can learn more about the game mechanics and matchups, in order to get familiarized with them before going into competitive matches where everyone’s trying hard just for one thing: winning!

Learn from the pros
The next time you’re watching a pro player stream and they show off their favorite moves, try to emulate them in your own games. You can also learn from your own mistakes — watch yourself play a game and see what you could have done better. And if you really want to get an idea of how the pros are playing, check out VODs of their games. The first step to improving your ranked play is to find the motivation to get better. Watching other players’ games can be a great way of doing that, especially if you know what kind of player you want to be. If you’re trying to improve as a sniper or support, watching videos of pro players who specialize in those roles can help give you an idea of how they do what they do and why it works so well.
Have a routine and discipline
Never blame the game or other people for your losses. If you have lost a game, even though someone else played poorly, there is still something that you could have done differently to avoid defeat. A non toxic mindset will help you avoid tilting, rage quitting and allow you to play a calculated game every time.

To perform well, you need to have proper diet and training. You should eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts. You should also drink lots of water throughout the day.
It is important to exercise regularly so that your body remains in good shape for playing games. Carpal tunnel, bad back and other things can happen as a result of too much gaming. “Mens sana in corpore sano” as the Latin proverb says!
Play until it gets too demanding on your brain or eyesight. If you start getting issues, it’s probably for the best to avoid playing ranked, or taking a complete break from gaming for a while. Rest, hidrate, and return after you’ve recuperated. You won’t be able to focus properly which will lead to poor performance.
In conclusion, we can say that ranked game is a challenging game. If you want to perform well in this type of game then you need to make some changes in your gaming routine and then only you will get success in this field. Sometimes it’s best to sleep it off, and try again the next day.